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Chinese Peony: A secret ingredient for radiant skin

Chinese Peony: A secret ingredient for radiant skin 

The Chinese peony is a flower that has been known for its beauty for decades, it has been a symbol of prosperity and Chinese culture. But beyond its beautiful appearance, this astonishing flower has great properties for the skin. It offers multiple benefits for those who want their skin to glow with the help of natural ingredients. This blog will discuss Chinese peony as the secret ingredient for your radiant skin. 

What is a Chinese peony? 

The Chinse peony or Peonia Lactiflora is a flowering plant found in central and eastern Asia. It is famous for its full bloom, lush petals and calming beautiful colours that go from pure white to deep crimson. 

These flowers have been cultivated in many parts of China for over 2,000 years now. They were initially used for medical purposes in traditional Chinese medicine and now they are used in skincare as well. 

Where is Chinese peony found?

Chinese peony is a native flower of Asia but it has been cultivated in other parts of the world as well. This plant grows and thrives in places with cold winters and warm summers. In China, the climate is nearly perfect for these flowers to grow and bloom completely. Places in China like Anhui, Henan and Shandong have abundant climates for peonies. 

However, for using Chinese peonies in skincare, you have to grow them in controlled environments to ensure the great quality and purity of the extracts used in beauty and skincare products. 

Also read our blog on Best summer hygiene tips to keep your skin clear and acne-free?

Benefits of Chinese Peony for Skin

Here are the key benefits of Chinese peony for your skin: 


The extracts of Chinese Peony are rich in antioxidants - Paenol and Paenoflorin. These antioxidants protect the skin from free radical damage caused by environmental stressors like pollution, UV rays and many others. These compounds also help reduce visible signs of premature ageing giving your skin a healthy glow and a naturally youthful look. 

Brightening effect 

A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2016, states that Chinese peony could inhibit melanin production. This means that it helps in the reduction of dark spots, age spots and hyperpigmentation leading to clear and healthy skin with bright complexion. 


Many times due to different reasons you might have felt skin irritation and redness. Chinese peony extract has anti-inflammatory properties which help calm and soothe the skin. It also helps in calming acne or rosacea. This makes it a very beneficial ingredient for people with acne and very sensitive skin. 

Collagen support 

Some studies claim that compounds present in Chinese peonies help in collagen production. Collagen is important for maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin making Chinese peony a potential ingredient to fight visible signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines.


Compounds in peonies contain natural humectants that absorb and retain water in the skin. Leading to improved skin texture, skin feel and hydration. It will make your skin feel plump and bouncy. 

Gentle exfoliator 

The flower extracts contain natural AHA acids that gently exfoliate the skin promoting cell regeneration and revealing a more bright and healthy skin. If AHA serums do not suit you you can try using skincare products made with Chinese peony. 

Oil control 

It also helps in controlling oil and sebum production for people with oily and combination skin leading to more matte and clear skin. And due to this reason, you will experience fewer breakouts. 


The Chinese peony, with its amazing history and so many benefits, is more than just a beautiful flower. It is a skincare secret that provides an array of benefits and nourishes, protects and rejuvenates your skin giving it a glowing and healthy complexion. If you want to try Chinese peony then try using our skincare products, we have combined the Chinese peony extract with some other powerful ingredients to create skincare that tackles multiple problems.